Does this method treat freckles root and branch?
Laser waves affect the skin from the surface to deep inside the epidermis and dermis. This wave absorbs melanin pigment, breaks it into tiny particles, which are then excreted by the body through the excretory system and pushed to the surface of the skin, removing freckles after only about 2 to 3 treatments.
Does laser freckle removal leave visible scars?
When customers decide to undergo Laser Freckle Removal, a reputable facility with advanced freckle treatment technology should be chosen, along with highly qualified doctors, modern technical equipment, etc., to avoid unfortunate consequences that may occur as well as unwanted scars.
What should be avoided in the diet after the treatment?
Customers should be aware that even though Laser Freckle Removal is safe and non-invasive, there is still some risk of skin damage, so the following guidelines should be followed:
Abstain from foods that can cause keloids, such as shrimp, seafood, chicken, eggs, beef, water spinach, foods made from glutinous rice.
Limit greasy foods and fast food because they will slow down the skin's recovery period, allow freckles to recur, make the skin oily and prone to acne, causing inflammation.
Skin exposure to direct sunlight should be minimized.
Use appropriate skin care products and skin regeneration creams.
Is face washing allowed after laser freckle treatment?
Customers should refrain from washing the face in the treated area for the first 2 to 4 days after receiving Laser Freckle Treatment. Because when water comes into contact with the skin, it will prolong the skin's regeneration and recovery process, and it will make it easier for bacteria to penetrate and cause skin ulcers.
Customers can gently wipe the face with a soft towel or cotton pad soaked in warm, diluted salt water to clean it. The freckle scab will completely peel off after 4 to 5 days, at which point customers can wash the face with water as usual.