Is Micro Facelift safe?
The safety of Micro Facelift is still a concern for many customers. According to doctors, this method is extremely safe for the body. Doctors can easily manipulate and examine the precise area that requires intervention thanks to the endoscopic equipment with a camera attached to the probe.
Micro Facelift is performed with minimal invasiveness, so loose skin and excess will not be damaged, and there will be no complications.

Is Micro Facelift effective?
Micro Facelift is a comprehensive facial rejuvenation method, helping to regain youthful features on the face after just 1 session. This method can have multiple benefits and address numerous facial skin aging problems. Additionally, it can stretch the entire neck area, giving the best aesthetic effect on the entire face.
How long will the outcome be maintained?
All aging problems will be completely resolved after just one surgery. Additionally, an endoscopic facelift can rejuvenate, slow down the aging process, and maintain results for at least five to ten years.

At what age can customers undergo Micro Facelift?
Micro Facelift is a highly invasive and thorough technique, eliminating the maximum areas of loose skin. Micro Facelift is the best option for customers who have undergone different facial rejuvenation methods without being satisfied with the results. Men and women over 40 years old who are in good health and qualified for surgery can undergo a Micro Facelift. During this time, people start to show symptoms of aging on their faces and start to experience the impacts of aging.