Does the 4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo affect the eyes?
4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo is a simple, painless and minimally invasive method that has no effect on the eyes. The process primarily affects the skin's epidermis; it doesn't penetrate deeply into the skin layers or the cornea, so it has no effect on the eyelids or eyesight.
However, to ensure safety when tattooing, customers need to choose a reputable cosmetic facility. To get the desired aesthetic effects, the implementation procedure must strictly adhere to the instructions indicated by specialists, doctors, and notably include a good aftercare routine.

What should be abstained from after 4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo?
After the 4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo procedure, customers need to keep in mind the following instructions:
Restrict water for 3 to 5 days to allow the ink to fully peel off.
Avoid direct contact with the eyes and touching the eyelids.
Prevent getting dust into the eyes. When going out, customers will need to wear glasses and a mask.
Refrain from using eye makeup such as eyeliner and false eyelashes after the 4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo procedure.
In order to achieve the desired results, customers should follow an aftercare regime according to the instructions of the tattoo specialist, apply the right amount of cream and ointment, and keep the eyelids sanitized. Prioritize foods that are preferred for tattooing, such as orange juice, pineapple, and other fruits high in vitamins C and E.
Is Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo painful?
Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo is an eyelid tattoo technique that only affects the epidermis of the skin. The procedure is non-invasive, so it doesn't hurt or cause pain, and the specialist will numb the eyelid area with local anesthesia before the procedure so that customers won't experience any pain or discomfort. This method is performed with a very micro-needle that does not cause damage, ensuring absolutely no visible scar.

How long does it take for the eyelids to display color?
Normally, 3 to 5 days after tattooing, the tattoo area will peel off, the color will be slightly lighter, and the eyelid tattoo segment will be fully shaped. However, it is not until 1 month later that the eyelids after tattooing are stable and completely gorgeous as desired. Currently, Ngoc Phu Aesthetic Hospital utilizes high-class eyelid tattoo ink made entirely from natural herbs, which is safe for the skin and health and guarantees to maintain a long-lasting smooth and glossy color. If customers choose 4D Cosmetic Eyeliner Tattoo, the results after the procedure can be assured.